Library Media Center


Skyler Ireland
[email protected]

23/24 vrc nomiee list with books covers; top row from left to right is all he knew, city spies, flight of the puffinm coop knows the scoop, and the last cuentista; bottom row from left to right: the magical imperfect, the mysterious disappearance of aidan s, race to the bottom of the earth, star child, and what comes next
2023-2024 Virginia Reader's Choice Book Awards Nominees.
Top Row (Left to Right): All He Knew, City Spies, Flight of the Puffin, Coop Knows the Scoop, The Last Cuentista
Bottom Row (Left to Right): The Magical Imperfect, The Mysterious Disappearance of Aidan S. (as told by his brother), Race to the Bottom of the Earth, Star Child, What Comes Next


Pick up a Bingo card in the library and read books that match each square. For every Bingo you get, you get a prize! If you fill up the entire card by the end of the semester, you can attend a pizza party.


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Password: Student's last name (all lowercase)

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Suggestion Form


If you don't know what you want to read next, or need to look up what a book we don't have is about, check out some of these sites!

Blue Ink Reviews -- Booklist -- Goodreads
Horn Books -- Kirkus -- Scholastic Kids